Sunday, August 19, 2007

school in one day! it better not be like high school...

just thought i would say again that i am pumped for school and learning tommarow....i hope las positas isnt miserable. i checked out the campus today and it does not seem to bad. i hope it does not feel like high school..

i got my goodbye with katie over with and it was pretty peaceful. we had a sleep over and talked all night till 5 in the morn..we had some catching up to do. haha.

if you are reading this, it would be awesome if you could pray for me and my school year coming up. i need to be really motivated so i can transfer in two years and that i can make some new friends! thanks!

random thought: i was reading a Planted Earth book today and it changed my life. i encourage everyone to check out that book! its amazing! it blows my mind how God created such an incredible earth. gosh he is creative. i decided i am fasinated with geography. and i cant wait to travel and discover some portion of it.

second random thought: im learning more about the subject of human trafficing and it is just so sad. so many people dont know about it; or the fact that some of it goes down in the US.. it is so unfortunate for children and young women. to learn more about this subject you can check out HUMANTRAFFICING.ORG.



Christina Blake said...

hey do you know how to add people on your bolg i am sooo confused. good luck with school tomorrow.

Unknown said...

we prayed for you today at work!

lauren said...

travel here. be a summer intern. five countries within five hours, so legit. and what is that book you are reccomending, i'm intrigued.